moments of time

September 2024

  • Would you…like to watch planes land…at the Orient with me?

  • We only see problems in the context or presence of an existing solution. Things you think are impossible are possible - we just haven't found a mechanism yet.

July 2024

  • All my timelines (past, present, future) are converging. It's an incredible feeling.

  • Saying goodbye to people/places that no longer exist versus saying goodbye to people/places that are alive, well, and will move on without you hurt in wildly different ways.

  • A platonic kind of love, the one where they engulf you into the best hug - firm, but not tight; you bury your face into their shoulder, they rest their chin on your head, you take in the smell of fresh cotton, you feel safe, and all is well.

June 2024

  • Friendships where you can challenge each other almost to the point of tears but then grab ice cream 20 minutes later because you both know criticism is conducive to growth are >>>

  • It's not your job to change their minds/lives. Consequence will teach better and faster than you.

  • Some people engage purely in meaningless conversation, gossip, and activities that foster neither joy, health, or wealth. Distance yourself away from these people. Protect your peace and your calendar.

May 2024

  • Strangers to best friends. In what felt like 30 minutes, 4 hours had passed. These are people you'd commute an extra hour in the opposite direction just for the fleeting minutes you get with them. To experience that again…

  • Deep down I’m an art kid trapped in a tech bubble. This much is certain.

  • Wow. I love eggs, with just a little sprinkle of salt on the top. Nothing beats it. Consume simply, and wholeheartedly.

  • Museums. If I see another one I will cry.

April 2024

  • If a snake bites you, you don't chase it and beg it to stop - you fling it far far away. Now replace snakes with people.

  • Your brain is programmed to resist change. Read that again.

  • You should always try to be learning, because stable -> unstable within seconds.

  • How can you yearn to go home when home ceases to exist?

March 2024

  • The best time to quit was yesterday.

Thoughts that stood out and need a home

Thoughts that stood out and need a home

moments of time

September 2024

  • Would you…like to watch planes land…at the Orient with me?

  • We only see problems in the context or presence of an existing solution. Things you think are impossible are possible - we just haven't found a mechanism yet.

July 2024

  • All my timelines (past, present, future) are converging. It's an incredible feeling.

  • Saying goodbye to people/places that no longer exist versus saying goodbye to people/places that are alive, well, and will move on without you hurt in wildly different ways.

  • A platonic kind of love, the one where they engulf you into the best hug - firm, but not tight; you bury your face into their shoulder, they rest their chin on your head, you take in the smell of fresh cotton, you feel safe, and all is well.

June 2024

  • Friendships where you can challenge each other almost to the point of tears but then grab ice cream 20 minutes later because you both know criticism is conducive to growth are >>>

  • It's not your job to change their minds/lives. Consequence will teach better and faster than you.

  • Some people engage purely in meaningless conversation, gossip, and activities that foster neither joy, health, or wealth. Distance yourself away from these people. Protect your peace and your calendar.

May 2024

  • Strangers to best friends. In what felt like 30 minutes, 4 hours had passed. These are people you'd commute an extra hour in the opposite direction just for the fleeting minutes you get with them. To experience that again…

  • Deep down I’m an art kid trapped in a tech bubble. This much is certain.

  • Wow. I love eggs, with just a little sprinkle of salt on the top. Nothing beats it. Consume simply, and wholeheartedly.

  • Museums. If I see another one I will cry.

April 2024

  • If a snake bites. you, you don't chase it and beg it to stop - you fling it far far away. Now replace snakes with people.

  • Your brain is programmed to resist change. Read that again.

  • You should always try to be learning, because stable -> unstable within seconds.

  • How can you yearn to go home when home ceases to exist?

March 2024

  • The best time to quit was yesterday.