other rabbitholes

(neuro) longevity

There's one freaky scene in Captain America: The Winter Soldier where Arnim Zola reveals his uploaded brain algorithm - his body is long decomposed but his memory and mind are fully intact.

That was my first inkling of what could be possible with longevity, especially for the mind. I often think about how to extend and preserve high brain function and neuroplasticity. We're making insane strides in overall longevity - I've been following Bryan Johnson since I was in the 8th grade - and there has to be more we can do for our brains.


Key questions and areas of exploration:

  • Deep diving into the role of hub genes and crucial pathways implicated in oxidative stress-related neurological disorders, such as bipolar disorder, to uncover potential therapeutic targets

  • Exploring advanced techniques for early detection of neurological diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's through biomarkers and imaging modalities to intervene at pre-symptomatic stages (brain health <> age health)

  • Studying the impact of loneliness on cognitive function and neural health; neurobiological mechanisms underlying social isolation.

life goes on, and on, and…on?

Some other areas of interest

  • neurons for storage (vs silicon architecture)

  • sensory modality enhancement for defense and military

  • something about training a neural network alongside a learning child and mapping both developments

  • the viability of Canada as a global semiconductor and chip leader (metals)

  • synthetic organisms/bacterial cultures for art and transit optimization (see Japan's JR example)

  • still searching for the perfect spice blend for the best ramen recipe (this has been a 4-year-long search)